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March 11, 2023

In the workshop that we realized and facilitated with Ford Otosan Business Area team and Leaders; After defining the current situation and needs with the insights obtained as a result of in-house interviews with Ford Otosan management and Business Line employees, we designed a workshop with the focus of "being a team" based on the Design Thinking methodology.


The awareness of the teams in Ford Turkey Sales, After Sales and Marketing departments to work together, is a workshop where 167 participants  shared their experiences for 8 hours, and   learning together with the shared ones is encouraged. besides freeing up space What? From where? How? Within the scope of the workshop, which we designed on the axis of the questions, we also provided the opportunity for each participant to meet with their colleagues they do not know, to establish new ties and to generate ideas together by taking place at different tables under the title of “what kind of a team”.


The outputs of the workshop we conducted with Notidem and the analyzes of these outputs were reported at the end of the process  and shared with the stakeholder.

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